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About the Assessment: Participation Rates

The schools and students participating in NAEP assessments are selected to be representative of all schools nationally and of public schools at the state level. Samples of schools and students are drawn from each state and from the District of Columbia and Department of Defense schools. Because each school that participated in the assessment, and each student assessed, represents a portion of the population of interest, the results are weighted to account for the disproportionate representation of the selected sample. Read more technical information about weighting adjustments made at the school and student level.

National participation

To ensure unbiased samples, NAEP requires that participation rates for original school samples be 70 percent or higher to report national results separately for public and private schools. In instances where participation rates meet the 70 percent criteria but fall below 85 percent, a nonresponse bias analysis is conducted to determine if the responding school sample is not representative of the population, thereby introducing the potential for nonresponse bias.

In instances where participation rates meet the 70 percent criterion but fall below 85 percent, a nonresponse bias analysis is conducted to determine if the responding sample is not representative of the population, thereby introducing the potential for nonresponse bias. Nonresponse bias analyses were conducted for the private school samples at both grades.

The results of the nonresponse bias analyses showed that, while the original responding school samples may not have been fully representative, including substitute schools and adjusting the sampling weights to account for school nonresponse were at least partially effective in reducing the potential for nonresponse bias. However, some variables examined in the analysis still indicated potential bias after nonresponse adjustments. For instance, smaller schools were somewhat overrepresented in the final private school samples at both grades, and the responding sample of private schools at grade 8 contained a higher percentage of Black students and a lower percentage of White students than the original sample of eligible private schools.

Before substituting new schools for originally sampled schools that declined to participate, the student-weighted national school participation rates for the 2011 reading assessment were 97 percent for grade 4 (100 percent for public schools and 74 percent for private schools) and 98 percent for grade 8 (100 percent for public schools and 74 percent for private schools). Weighted student participation rates were 95 percent at grade 4 and 93 percent at grade 8.

State and district participation

Standards established by the National Assessment Governing Board require that school participation rates for the original state samples need to be at least 85 percent for results to be reported. In 2011, all 52 states and jurisdictions and 21 districts participating in the Trial Urban District reading assessment at grades 4 and 8 met this participation rate requirement. Weighted student participation rates ranged from 89 percent to 96 percent at grade 4 and from 85 percent to 96 percent at grade 8.

The tables below provide participation rates before substitution.

Learn more about the sampling design.

National and State
School and student participation rates in NAEP reading at grade 4, by state/jurisdiction: 2011
  School participation Student participation
State/jurisdiction Student-
Number of
Number of
     Nation 97 92 8,540 95 213,100
       Public 100 100 7,760 95 202,900
       Private 74 68 560 95 6,100
Alabama  99 100 110 95 3,000
Alaska 100 100 180 93 2,800
Arizona  99 99 120 94 3,800
Arkansas 100 100 120 95 3,600
California 100 100 280 95 9,300
Colorado 100 100 120 93 3,600
Connecticut  100 100 110 94 3,200
Delaware 100 100 100 95 3,400
Florida  100 100 220 95 7,300
Georgia  100 100 170 94 5,300
Hawaii 100 100 120 93 3,500
Idaho  100 100 130 95 3,700
Illinois 100 100 190 94 5,200
Indiana  100 100 110 95 3,600
Iowa 100 100 140 96 3,500
Kansas 99 99 140 95 3,200
Kentucky 100 100 150 94 4,700
Louisiana  100 100 120 94 3,400
Maine  100 100 160 94 3,300
Maryland 100 100 170 94 4,300
Massachusetts  100 100 180 94 5,000
Michigan 100 100 150 94 4,100
Minnesota 100 100 140 94 3,700
Mississippi  100 100 110 94 3,000
Missouri 100 100 130 95 3,600
Montana 100 100 190 94 3,200
Nebraska 100 100 160 95 3,100
Nevada 100 100 120 96 4,000
New Hampshire 100 100 130 94 3,300
New Jersey 99 99 110 95 3,100
New Mexico 100 100 150 93 4,100
New York 100 100 160 94 4,800
North Carolina 100 100 170 94 5,400
North Dakota 100 100 250 96 3,000
Ohio 100 100 180 94 4,200
Oklahoma 100 100 140 95 3,100
Oregon 99 99 140 95 3,700
Pennsylvania 100 100 160 94 4,700
Rhode Island 100 100 110 95 3,300
South Carolina 100 100 110 94 3,400
South Dakota 100 100 190 96 3,300
Tennessee  100 100 120 95 3,400
Texas  99 99 300 95 8,900
Utah 100 100 120 94 4,000
Vermont  100 100 220 94 2,700
Virginia 100 100 110 95 3,800
Washington 100 100 130 95 4,000
West Virginia  100 100 150 95 3,100
Wisconsin 100 100 180 95 4,600
Wyoming  100 100 180 95 3,000
Other jurisdictions      
     BIE1 83 85 110 91 1,000
     District of Columbia 100 100 120 95 2,200
     DoDEA2 99 97 110 94 3,100
1 Bureau of Indian Education.
2 Department of Defense Education Activity (overseas and domestic schools).
NOTE: The number of schools is rounded to the nearest ten. The number of students is rounded to the nearest hundred. The national totals for schools include Department of Defense Education Activity (overseas and domestic schools) and Bureau of Indian Education schools, which are not included in either the public or private totals. The national totals for students include students in these schools. For each jurisdiction, the percentile denominator is the number of schools or students for that jurisdiction. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2011 Reading Assessment.

The student-weighted school participation rates are calculated based on the estimated number of students represented by either the initially selected schools that participated in the assessment (before substitution) or the participating schools, whether originally selected or selected as a substitute for a school that chose not to participate (after substitution). The school-weighted school participation rates are calculated based on the estimated number of schools either before or after substitutions.