Click to expand Facebook Twitter Email Permalink NAEP assessments are administered to students in public, private, and charter schools at grades 4, 8, and 12. Use this dashboard to do the following: Explore the latest national results in all the NAEP subjects for students attending public, charter (a subset of public), private, and Catholic (a subset of private) schools. Explore the percentage of different student groups by the type of school they attend. See how students' educational experiences vary by school types. NAEP results for public school students are reported for the nation, states, and participating districts; and results for private school students are reported at the national level only. Results for charter schools are available for the nation, and also for states and all districts with reportable results. Select Charter School and either States or Districts from the Customize Data Tables drop-down menus to see if charter school results are available for your state or district. Overall Performance Results Student Group: All Students All Students RACE/ETHNICITY White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native Two or More Races Gender Male Female Economically disadvantaged status Economically disadvantaged Not economically disadvantaged Information not available Parental Education Level Did not finish high school Graduated from high school Some education after high school Graduated from college Unknown School Location City Suburban Town Rural Region of the Country Northeast Midwest South West Status as Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities Not students with disabilities Status as English learners English learners Not English learners average scores and NAEP achievement levels: Average scores Average Scores and Achievement Levels Average scores At NAEP Advanced At or above NAEP Proficient At or above NAEP Basic Arts: Music (0–300) in NAEP music for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Arts: Visual Arts (0–300) in NAEP visual arts for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Civics (0–300) in NAEP civics for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Economics (0–300) in NAEP economics for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Geography (0–500) in NAEP geography for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Mathematics (0–500 at grades 4 and 8, 0–300 at grade 12) in NAEP mathematics for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Reading (0–500) in NAEP reading for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Science (0–300) in NAEP science for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Technology & Engineering Literacy (TEL) (0–300) in NAEP technology and engineering literacy (TEL) for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. U.S. History (0–500) in NAEP U.S. history for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Writing (0–300) in NAEP writing for , by grade and type of school: Show/Hide School Type: Public Public: Charter Private Private: Catholic — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. Percentage Distribution by Demographic Group Subject: Arts: Music Arts: Music Arts: Visual Arts Civics Economics Geography Mathematics Reading Science Technology & Engineering Literacy U.S. History Writing Grade: Grade 8 Grade 4 Grade 8 Grade 12 Student Group: Race/ethnicity Race/ethnicity Gender Economically disadvantaged status Parental education level School location Region of the country Status as students with disabilities Status as English learners Percentage distribution of students assessed in -grade NAEP , by type of school and : Show/Hide Demographic Group: Public Private Catholic Charter Option 5 Option 6 — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Survey Question Results Subject: Arts: Music Arts: Music Arts: Visual Arts Civics Economics Geography Mathematics Reading Science Technology & Engineering Literacy U.S. History Writing Grade: Grade 8 Grade 4 Grade 8 Grade 12 Survey Question: I like to play music alone or with others. Gender Race/ethnicity Region of the country School location Percentage of students assessed in grade-grade NAEP subject, by type of school and : Show Question Detail Question Detail How much do you agree with each of the following statements? I like to play music alone or with others (student-reported) Show/Hide Response Category: Public Public Public Public Public Public — Not available. # Rounds to zero. ‡ Reporting standards not met. Sample size insufficient to permit a reliable estimate. NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Item Map NAEP item maps help readers understand student performance by showing what students know and can do at different NAEP achievement levels. For each assessment, example questions are "mapped" onto the NAEP scale for that subject with more difficult questions at the top of the map and easier questions at the lower part of the map. To see an item map of overall student performance, choose a subject, grade, and assessment year in the NAEP Item Map Tool. The resulting item map will show question descriptions at various score levels. Questions that have been released to the public are hyperlinked to the NAEP Questions Tool. More About NAEP NAEP Assessment Program Find out about the NAEP assessment program, watch informative NAEP videos designed for school staff and students, and more. Measure Up for Private Schools Get details on the upcoming NAEP program for private schools, see highlights from the latest NAEP assessment results, and learn about the people who help make NAEP the gold standard of assessments. (PDF - 1.096 MB) NAEP Program and Participation Learn more about the NAEP program and why participation is important. Notes and Sources NOTE: In 2018 the National Assessment Governing Board issued a revised Policy Statement clarifying that the NAEP Proficient level is not intended to reflect grade-level performance expectations but is specific to performance on NAEP assessments. Read the Governing Board Policy Statement here. NAEP scales were derived separately by subjects and grades, and therefore scores cannot be compared across subjects and grades. Results are not shown for data points where the sample sizes are insufficient to permit a reliable estimate or where data are not available. Black includes African American, and Hispanic includes Latino. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin. In compliance with new standards from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget for collecting and reporting data on race/ethnicity, additional information was collected beginning in 2011 so that results could be reported separately for Asian students and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students. Students who identified with two or more of the racial/ethnic groups (e.g., White and Black) would have been classified as "other" and reported as part of the "unclassified" category prior to 2011, and classified as "Two or More Races" in 2011 and later assessment years. See more information about student groups and the data availability of these groups at See more information about NAEP survey questionnaires at Although the estimates (e.g., average scores or percentages) are shown as rounded numbers in the charts, the positions of the data points in the graphics are based on the unrounded numbers. Not all apparent differences between estimates are statistically significant. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various years and subjects: 2016 Arts; 2010 and 2018 Civics; 2012 Economics; 2010 and 2018 Geography; 2019 and 2024 Mathematics; 2019 and 2024 Reading; 2019 Science; 2010 and 2018 U.S. History; 2018 Technology and Engineering Literacy (TEL); and 2002 and 2011 Writing Assessments.