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Classroom Context: Writing on a Computer Outside of Schoolwork

As part of the 2011 writing assessment, eighth- and twelfth-graders were asked how often they use a computer for writing that is not part of their schoolwork. The full text of the question, and percentage of students who responded in each category are below.

How often do you use a computer, in and out of school, for writing that is not part of your schoolwork?

A. Never or hardly ever
B. Once or twice a month
C. Once or twice a week
D. Every day or almost every day

Grade 8
Grade 12

A higher percentage of male students reported never or hardly ever using a computer for writing that is not part of schoolwork compared to their female peers. Use the tabs below to view the percentages by the student groups shown. Click chart options below the chart to explore average scores or make comparisons of your choice.